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Histolab fellowship for PhD students and candidates

What is it?

The HISTOLAB Fellowship aims at supporting doctoral candidates’ research projects that inquire into innovative practices and methods in history education. These methods and practices can relate to history teaching in the classroom, but also treat innovative methods in public history, such as in museums, memorial places or through the media.

Who can apply?

The Fellowship targets university students enrolled in a doctoral programme thematically related to history education or history didactics with proficient writing skills in English language, whose doctoral research project focuses on innovation in history education and is in an advanced stage.

The HISTOLAB Fellowship furthermore seeks to contribute to the fellows’ professional development by inviting them to actively participate in the European Innovation Days in History Education organised by HISTOLAB, that will take place in spring 2023 and 2024 and in other HISTOLAB activities.

What does the Fellowship cover?

The HISTOLAB Fellowship Programme offers five HISTOLAB Fellowships in the 2023-2024 period that contain each:

  • 8.000,00 EUR direct financial grant (paid 70% after the acceptance of the grant and 30% after submitting the articles;
  • An optional research visit (free of charge, travel costs to be borne through the financial grant).
    • either to the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media I Georg Eckert Institute (Braunschweig, Germany) including access to its library hosting one of the biggest collection of school textbook worldwide and the “basement”, which is an experimental classroom of the future
    • or to the House of European History (for research related to museology).
  • Free of cost publication of an academic article based on the supported research, to be published in an academic publication edited by HISTOLAB and its partners.
  • Free of cost participation in the European Innovation Days in History Education;
When will it take place?

A call for applications will be launched during the last trimester of 2022. The selection of Fellows will take place by the end of January 2023, with a start of the Fellowship planned in March 2023, just in time for the European Innovation Days in History Education.